Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What's wrong with me?

Hi ya'll!!! Well I know that it has been a while since I have posted anything... so here is my life in a nutshell:)

What all has happened since January 3rd??? Well one thing I can tell you HASN'T happened is sleep. I love my little bundle of joy... or my little whine bucket, grunter, whatever you want to call him :) I mean come on, how can you NOT love this little face.....
Just all smiles while Momma pulls her hair out in the middle of the night. Hey who told you motherhood was easy right?!?!? I can say that my 4 year old little rambunctious boy is one huge helper during the day! He is a life saver. My wonderful hubby-to-be-maybe-one-day is AMAZING as well. Even though he loves to snore and flail around like a fish out of a blissful sea in the middle of the night, that's why we are PERFECT for each other. I stay up at night and he stays up during the day with him (when he is not working) like a NORMAL person. Then again what is normal??? Ok T, let's stop the random ramblings now and get back on track. Little fat-fat has started physical therapy for a stiffened neck muscle, all is well there except his head is all cock-eyed and crooked.... but at least he is healthy. Eats like a champ! I'm talking drains me and bottle feeds. I should have mentioned before, I breast feed and supplement because I do not produce enough rocket fuel for my little jet engine ^^^^^ hence the nickname fat-fat. 

My Aunt came over from California for one of her visits, she comes twice a year to bask in the glory of farts, turds, mud, fake guns, and all around boy stuff. I am saddened that I have to take her to the airport tomorrow morning ::sad face:: Although while she was here hubby-to-be-maybe-one-day and I got to go out and have an ADULT date night. I am talking no baby, no teenager, and no toddler... I did not know what to do with myself!!!!! I have not had one of those in over a year... I mean come-on, the little bun in the oven still interrupts adults activities. Not all but some that I enjoy, like a drink or two.

That is all in the land of this Outlandish Momma and her minions:)

Until next time blog land, and hopefully it'll be a craft session!!! I LOVE CRAFTING!!!! 

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